Understanding BigQuery ORDER BY Statement

July 24, 2024
Chapter 3: Understanding BigQuery ORDER BY Statement

In this tutorial, we delve into the intricacies of the ORDER BY statement in SQL, particularly focusing on its usage within BigQuery. The blog guides beginners through understanding how to organize query results effectively. Beginning with the basic syntax, viewers learn how to apply the ORDER BY clause to sort data based on specific columns. Through examples, the tutorial demonstrates sorting in both ascending and descending orders, providing a comprehensive understanding of the functionality. Furthermore, it explores the concept of ordering by multiple columns, offering viewers a versatile approach to organizing their data. By the end, readers gain valuable insights into manipulating query results to suit their analytical needs using BigQuery.

Understanding the basics of ORDER BY

Let's start with the fundamentals. The ORDER BY statement allows you to arrange your query results in a specific order. Whether you're sorting alphabetically, numerically, or by any other criteria, ORDER BY is your go-to command for organizing data precisely how you need it.

Let's take an example from our Bikeshare dataset. (For more details about the Bikeshare dataset, check chapter 1)
Let's say you want to analyze the start and end stations of trips. Here's a basic query to get you started.

SELECT start_station_ name

FROM 'bigquery-public-data.san_francisco_bikeshare.bikeshare_trips'

ORDER BY start_station_name

The result of this query is displaying the start_station_name values alphabetically arranged from A to Z. For instance, if the dataset contains station names like "A Street," "B Boulevard," and so on, the query results will list these stations in alphabetical order, starting from "A Street" and ending with the last station name in the dataset.

BigQuery result using ORDER BY statement

Ascending vs Descending ORDER BY

Now, let's talk about the direction of your sorting. By default, ORDER BY arranges data in ascending order. This means that numerical values start from the smallest and increase, while alphabetical values follow their natural order (from A to Z).For instance, if you're sorting station names alphabetically, "Filbert Street" would come before "Gilbert Street." Similarly, numerical values like dates or quantities would ascend from the smallest to the largest.

But what if you want to flip the script and sort in descending order? That's where the ASC and DESC keywords come into play. Use ASC for ascending order and DESC for descending order. Here's how you can tweak your query. Let's also add DISTINCT clause so that we see rows without duplicate values.

SELECT start_station_ name

FROM 'bigquery-public-data.san_francisco_bikeshare.bikeshare_trips'

ORDER BY start_station_name DESC

BigQuery result using ORDER BY Descending

Adding Complexity: Multiple Columns

ORDER BY isn't limited to a single column. You can level up your sorting game by incorporating multiple columns into your query. This is particularly useful when you want to prioritize one sorting criterion over another.

Consider this example where we sort trips by start station name and then by end station name:

SELECT start_station_ name, end station_name

FROM 'bigquery-public-data.san_francisco_bikeshare.bikeshare_trips'

ORDER BY start_station_name, end_station_name

By listing multiple columns after ORDER BY, you're creating a hierarchical sorting system. First, the query sorts by start station name. Then, for trips with the same start station, it further sorts by end station name.
Run the query and see for yourself!

Unlocking Insights with ORDER BY

Now that you've mastered the basics, let's explore how ORDER BY can uncover valuable insights in your data. Imagine you're analyzing Bike Share stations based on their capacity. With ORDER BY, you can identify stations with the most and least bike capacity, helping you optimize bike distribution and maintenance schedules.

Let's run the query from a different table called bikeshare_station_info

SELECT name,capacity

FROM 'bigquery-public-data.san_francisco_bikeshare.bikeshare_station_info'

ORDER BY capacity DESC

By sorting stations by capacity in descending order, you'll quickly pinpoint the stations with the highest bike capacity, such as "Glen Park Bath Station" with 40 bikes.

Gaining insights from the data using ORDER BY statement

ORDER BY with Dates

You can do so much more with the ORDER BY statement, such as uncovering insights via date, using multiple sorting, and so on. To see the full demonstration, check out the YouTube video on the same topic, where we showcase how we use ORDER BY to uncover insights from the order_item table for e-commerce data.

Tips and Tricks for Success

As you start on your ORDER BY journey, keep these tips in mind:

Choose Your Order Wisely: Consider the purpose of your analysis and choose the most relevant sorting criteria.

Optimize Performance: ORDER BY can impact query performance, especially with large datasets. Use it judiciously to avoid unnecessary processing overhead.

Experiment with Multiple Columns: Don't hesitate to experiment with sorting by multiple columns to uncover deeper insights in your data.Stay Curious: Keep exploring and refining your queries to extract maximum value from your data.


In conclusion, ORDER BY is a powerful tool in your BigQuery toolkit. By mastering its intricacies and applying it strategically, you can transform raw data into actionable insights. So go ahead, dive into your datasets, and let ORDER BY lead the way to data inisights!

Jump to chapter 4

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